Home Announcements This is a Georgian Food Blog

This is a Georgian Food Blog

by Florian

A few month ago, I was announcing that this is a Russian food blog — and it worked. But, as you’ve certainly noticed by now, this is more than that. For example, this is also a Georgian food blog. The Georgia we’re talking about here is the Republic of Georgia of course, in the Caucasus; and I dedicated many posts to its food, its dishes, its cooking and its cuisine.

Seriously, Google, look at the top results when one queries “Georgian food blog”! The first one is an excellent blog that I encourage everyone to read (it’s in my blogroll), but it’s essentially about Estonian cuisine. The third one consists of 50 or so Georgian recipes, all posted in December 2007 (five years ago); it’s interesting, but it’s not exactly a blog. Which brings us to the second one, a single picture from the aforementioned recipes, re-posted on some other site; this certainly wins the Palme d’Or for lamest search result.  And so on…

So if Georgia’s on your mind, and you like food, this blog is for you. If you’re a foodie interested in Sakartvelo (the Georgian word for Georgia), welcome to this blog. If you read blogs, cook food (or even just eat food), and you want to find out about the other Georgia, the capital of which is not Atlanta but Tbilisi, you’ve come to the right place. And if you have regional preferences, this is an Abkhazian food blog, an Adjaran food blog, a Kakhetian food blog, a Mingrelian food blog, and a Svanetian food blog. All in one!

Batumi Central Market - Cheese

This is a Georgian food blog, and here are some of the Georgian recipes you will find in my posts:

This is a Georgian food blog, and I review Georgian restaurants and bakeries, in New York and beyond:

This is a Georgian food blog, but I also talk about my trips to Georgia, and the food I saw and ate there:

Georgian. Food. Blog.

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Philip B October 25, 2012 - 12:23

I’m sorry, is this about Atlanta Georgia? Is Tbilisi a neighborhood of Atlanta?
OK, I’m kidding.
But seriously, you know there are things you can do to get better GS results… http://bit.ly/TYipaq

Florian October 25, 2012 - 12:30

Believe me, I’ve tried several methods to improve my results, and nothing worked remotely as well as a good, in-your-face post 🙂

dozartadegustuje November 2, 2012 - 15:44

I do not expect that you blog will be about Polish food one day, but I am glad that I found you and I would be delighted if you could write some reviews of Polish restaurant in the US. Polish food outside Poland usually was awful but people who visited, for example, Chicago or NYC not so long time ago report that it was much better lately. Therefore, I await your reviews. Regards Magdalena

Florian November 2, 2012 - 15:59

I do have a couple reviews of Polish restaurants. As for recipes, I’ll have to make a trip to Poland first – something I’ve been wanting to do for years.

thebangalore dhaba July 2, 2024 - 07:45

Wow, what a fantastic Georgian food blog! Your in-depth exploration of traditional dishes and stunning photography truly capture the essence of this rich cuisine. I’m inspired to try these recipes myself!


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