Dear readers,
I wish you all happy holidays! I’m leaving for a 10-day trip to Scotland — no Eastern Europe this time, and even my prospects for a Russian restaurant look very slim. But if you’re still looking for ideas for your dinner parties, or you want to use your time off to try some of my more time-consuming recipes, here are some recommendations from my 2013 posts…
- Start off with a Lake Trout and Crawfish Ballotine or some Tokaji-Cured Lake Trout and Mozzarella-Potato Pancakes.
- This is the perfect time to eat rich, wintry game dishes. My Latvian Hare Trio will make a whole dinner. The Seared Chops and Braised Shanks of Venison in Bautzen Sour Cherry Mustard Sauce with Perfect Fries is a personal favorite.
- If you prefer your meat farm-raised, the Vepřo-Knedlo-Zelo is elegant enough to turn a pork roast into a special occasion meal, and most of the elements can be prepared in advance.
- Or let your guests do the cooking themselves with the Fondue Stroganoff!
- For a touch (a BIG touch) of exoticism, make a Qurutob.
- Choose between a chocolate dessert: the Prune and Chocolate Custard Tart…
- … or a dessert without chocolate: the Nesselrode Pudding (I promise that Part 2, the Nesselrode pie, is coming next year!)
- Accompany your food with carafes of Russian Birch Cream Liqueur or Smoked Bacon and Birch Vodka.