About two years ago, I posted a recipe for vodka-cured lake trout. Since I once again find myself with a profusion of trout — this time from Lake Ontario — I wanted to…
June 2013
A note about my restaurant reviews: New York City counts many Eastern European restaurants scattered across the five boroughs, most of them ignored by restaurant critics and diners alike. I intend to visit…
It’s not easy, preparing elaborate recipes with fish you catch yourself. Sometimes, you come home empty-handed and anything you’ve thought of making has to wait until next time — this has happened a…
Xinaliq, Zeyid, and Indiana Jones’ bridge; driving back to Baku.
Thanks to roodonfood for recently nominating me for the Liebster Award! Wonder what this is about? Here are the rules: Post 11 random facts about yourself. Answer the 11 questions made by the person…
Two and a half years after publishing my recipe for baked paskha (one of my first blog entries!), I finally posted my kulich last week. So you can now prepare the two traditional Russian…